Too many passwords spoil the security

The average German internet user has 15 different accounts. Some of them he created because he wanted to, others he was forced to create more or less. And every single one of them is normally protected by a password. Of course, the user is lazy and therefore he is using every time the same password. At least since the major security breaches at Yahoo, LinkedIn and Tumblr you see what are the consequences. The leaked email-password combinations were used to try them at others services on a large scale and with an astonished high hit ratio accounts could be compromised. Obviously, the question is how can this be prevented best. Additionally, there are two basic conditions that do not make this easier. For one thing, more and more services insist that the password of the users has to follow specific rules (special characters, numbers, minimum length, …).  […]

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Programming language – the new Babylon

The German industry information service proclaims the most popular programming language in 2016. The winner is: Java. While this was less surprising for ingrained Java developers, especially younger developers will be skeptical about this result. Programming languages were always the subject of religious discussions (You can see that in the comments of the article). But it seems to me that recently these discussions intensified significantly because of the popularity of new languages. If you look back 15 years, there were basically only two languages (at least in web development): Java and PHP. While PHP was used mainly by frontend developers which tend to put SQL statements in the HTML templates Java developers transformed every little project into a mammoth task. Some audacious Microsoft enthusiasts relied on ASP and JavaScript was only used for smaller snippets within the browser clients. Just with the rise of Rails that […]

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